Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Taliah Waajid's World Natural Hair Show

Words can not begin to express the true emotions I experienced while attending the Atlanta Natural Hair Show. I can only compare it to what Malcom X must have experienced during his "mecca" experience. I felt like I had arrived in natural hair heaven. When I crossed the threshold into the expo hall the first day, goosebumps popped up all over my body and tears flooded my eyes. My senses immediately became overloaded because the biblical understanding of one's hair being their glory was manifest and personified in the flesh. There were so many sisters and brothers walking around regally as kings and queens. I know to some (and maybe even to me) it sounds like the whole "black power thing". BUT, my experience is was a positive power. Not a negative thing as in "reverse racism". There were brothers and sisters who were models of self confidence, self love and empowerment. I quickly realized that I would have to soak up every molecule of this two day experience. And I did! Hats off to Taliah for providing us naturals a wonderful expo that was pulled off with great order and professionalism! The classes were phenonmenal and I'll post later about them. Here Taliah is hard at work behind the registration desk on the first day. I met sooooooo many wonderful people who also expressed their individual "mecca-like" experience at the show. My natural hair experience has pointed me toward the wholistic basis of who I am: Mind, Body and Spirit. It's been a surprise of how organic it is, but how deep it is. I'm soooo blessed to have come full circle, yet still a work in progress!

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